The Humanity Foundation of India is an NGO dedicated exclusively to uplift the humanity. HFI was established in the year 2004 under Societies Registration Act. 1860. HFI is being granted approval by the Registrar of Societies. to operate its activities at all India level. The focus area of HFI is to make rigorous endeavors to implement various social oriented projects and programs. HFI is an organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business.
It is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established as a development oriented organization that pursues activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, animals, protect the environment, provide basic social services such as education & health and undertake community development. Currently working for development in social & economic horizons.
The main aim of this organization is to work towards as a useful resource center for not only NGOs, but also for the organizations working on education environmental, developmental, social, health, and various other aspects.
We are committed to provide quality education to the children who cannot afford; without any need to pay the fees. Also we are working towards women empowerment and development. Our programs include scholarship programs, distributing lower cost text-books, mother’s literacy program, computer aided learning, digital classrooms and English training. Our programs focuses on educating children who are underprivileged and do not have resources and financial support to attend schools.
We also work especially for the development of rural areas and help them in providing the necessities of life. The aim is to improve the conditions of the weaker sections. We give the opportunities to rural weavers, craftsmen and artists which in turn help them in raising their incomes and hence take them out of poverty.
We work towards the welfare of the disable people having problem in hearing, seeing, mentally handicapped and strengthening of communal harmony and secularism and to propagate the health awareness etc.
HFI works for orphans and underprivileged children in the country. We work in the fields of cultural, spiritual, educational and social development of the kinds.