Message from President

Message from the Founder President

HFI, India was established in 2004 with a goal of transforming unprivileged communities to creating access to knowledge,values and opportunities. With the help of our staff and partner communities, we have successfully implemented hundreds of social development oriented programs during last ten years.

In order to deepen our impact, in the coming months and years, HFI India will continue priorities programs and activities in rural communities of India that will enhance overall development of economically weaker section of our society, develop communities and create better livelihood options. Some of these programs include enhance literacy, women’s empowerment programs, health care and sanitation programs, livelihood training, environment & climate change and animal welfare and protection to list a few.

We would like to thank all our donors, partners and supporters alike for your continued support to HFI, India .It is our sincere hope that rural communities will have access to resources and programs that will empower them to eventually embrace a brighter future. HFI India will continue to help create vibrant places to live and thrive in India. And this can only be achieved through the generous support of our donors,and tireless efforts of our partners.

I sincerely hope that you will continue to support us in all our endeavors to create increased rural prosperity-one village a time.

Shraddheya Poonam Ji
Humanity Foundation of India